Bradford offers warm spaces to help residents facing energy bills crisis October 11, 2022

Bradford Library (left) at Centenary Square is among the warm spaces across the metropolitan districtBradford Council and voluntary organisations in the district are creating a network of ‘Warm Spaces’ to help residents faced with high energy bills.

The Warm Spaces around the  Bradford metropolitan district are places people can go, free of charge, to spend time during the day or evenings to stay warm if they are struggling to heat their homes.

Many venues will also offer additional facilities such as hot drinks, free wi-fi, activities and access to information and advice.

Keighley LibraryIlkley LibraryThe Council’s libraries, Bradford Industrial Museum and Bolling Hall Museum are already signed up and the council is inviting voluntary organisations to also take part.

Find out more at this  Bradford Warm Spaces web page.


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