Power off the Yorkshire coast August 31, 2022

One of the wind farms off the coast of the East Riding of YorkshireWith rising prices, it's great to have some new and clean energy generation at the moment and Ørsted, a global company headquartered in Denmark, has just put into operation the world’s largest wind farm 55 miles off the Yorkshire coast.

Windy days at Hornsea 2 should provide some help in compensating for the big drop in UK energy generation in the past 20 years from the decommissioning of coal and nuclear power stations.

The now-demolished cooling towers of the Ferrybridge power stationsWith the right wind in its 165 turbines spread across an area 31 times the size of Lake Windermere in Cumbria, this, the world’s largest, seems capable of a maximum output of two-thirds that of what the closed Ferrybridge C power station in Yorkshire could achieve at its coal-guzzling peak.

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